Administration - Wayne Community College | Goldsboro, NC


Wayne Community College is overseen by a diverse and capable group of leaders known as the administration of the college. These leaders include the president, trustees, and vice presidents.

Wayne Community College Board of Trustees

President’s Office

Dr. Patty Pfeiffer – President
Amber Tyler – Senior Executive Assistant to the President
Tara Humphries – Public Information Officer

Business Office

Joy Kornegay – Vice President, Administrative and Financial Services / Chief Financial Officer

Academic and Student Services

Dr. Brandon Jenkins – Vice President, Academic and Student Services
Joanna Morrisette – Associate Vice President, Academic and Student Services
Renita Dawson – Vice President, Workforce Continuing Education Services and Community Engagement

Campus Operations

Derek Hunter – Vice President, Operations

The Foundation of Wayne Community College

Adrienne Northington – Executive Director of the Foundation of Wayne Community College

Institutional Effectiveness

Dorothy Moore – Associate Vice President, Institutional Effectiveness / Chief of Staff

Wayne Business and Industry Center

Craig Foucht – Executive Director, Wayne Business and Industry Center and Works Initiative