Inclement Weather - Wayne Community College | Goldsboro, NC

Inclement Weather

When inclement weather threatens, the president of the college or his designee will make any necessary decisions to cancel classes, delay classes, or totally close the college and all its operations. The decision will be announced on area radio, television stations, and the college website. Every attempt will be made to have the announcement aired by 6:00 a.m. on the day of the closing or delay. If the college is already operating when inclement weather forces such a decision, the secretaries’ hotline and college-wide e-mail will be used, as well as public media, to announce the decision.

Decisions regarding closings and delays will be made on a day-to-day basis, taking into consideration local conditions as well as weather forecasts. Often, decisions about evening classes are made independently. In those cases, every attempt is made to notify the media by 3:30 p.m. If the main campus is closed, all off-campus sites, including SJAFB, are closed, with the possible exception of the WCC Child Care Center. Status for SJAFB classes will be determined in conjunction with the Base Education Office.

In times of inclement weather, radio and television stations will normally only make announcements about delays or cancellations. Therefore, the absence of an announcement means that the college is operating on a normal schedule.

If classes are delayed, the announcement will state the time the college will open. Faculty and staff should report at least 30 minutes prior to the time.

If classes are canceled, public announcements will, if possible, also include notification about which college employees are expected to report to work

  • Plan “A”: Administrative Council members, maintenance and grounds employees;
  • Plan “B”: All non-instructional staff;
  • Plan “C”: All employees.

(If travel conditions near the employee’s residence prevent the employee from reporting to work, the employee should exercise appropriate judgment, notify the supervisor, and take annual leave.)

Please do not call the media. Instead, listen to announcements on any of the following stations:

WFMC-730AM (*)
WKIX-96.9FM (*)
WAG0 88.7FM (*)
WGBR-1150AM (*)

News 14 (Time Warner Cable)
PACC10 (TimeWarner Cable, Wayne County Only)

*first called and usually quickest response

A number of the television stations also post closing and delay information on their websites, often before it is put on the air.

The status will also be posted on the WCC web site and recorded on the college’s voice mail system. Please check the media for status before calling the college.