Survey of Entering Student Engagement (SENSE) - Wayne Community College | Goldsboro, NC

Survey of Entering Student Engagement (SENSE)

The Survey of Entering Student Engagement (SENSE) is a survey of new students and their experiences in the first few weeks of attending a college. During the 4th and 5th weeks of the fall academic term, SENSE asks students to reflect on their earliest experiences with the college. The randomly selected courses are courses students are most likely to enroll in such as first college-level English and math courses, developmental courses, and student success courses. Students that are under the age of 18 are excluded from participating in the SENSE survey. SENSE is only administered to curriculum students.

Click here for more information about the SENSE Survey.

SENSE Standard Reports

Executive Summaries

WCC SENSE 2013 Executive Summary
WCC SENSE 2015 Executive Summary
WCC SENSE 2017 Executive Summary
WCC SENSE 2019 Executive Summary
WCC SENSE 2021 Executive Summary

Overview Reports

WCC SENSE 2013 Overview Report
WCC SENSE 2015 Overview Report
WCC SENSE 2017 Overview Report
WCC SENSE 2019 Overview Report
WCC SENSE 2021 Overview Report

SENSE Benchmark Reports

SENSE benchmarks are groups of conceptually related survey items that focus on institutional practices and behaviors that promote engagement among entering students. Benchmarks are used to compare each institution’s performance to that of similar institutions and with the SENSE Cohort. The six SENSE benchmarks are: early connections, high expectations and aspirations, clear academic plan and pathway, effective track to college readiness, engages learning, and academic and social support network.

WCC SENSE 2013 Benchmark Report – Entering Students
WCC SENSE 2015 Benchmark Report – Entering Students
WCC SENSE 2017 Benchmark Report – Entering Students
WCC SENSE 2019 Benchmark Report – Entering Students
WCC SENSE 2021 Benchmark Report – Entering Students

SENSE Means Reports

Means reports present an average of each survey item that has scaled responses (e.g., strongly agree to strongly disagrees) and compare average items responses between member colleges and various groups, or between student subgroups with a college. Means are not run-on dichotomous items (those with only two response options). These items are summarized in frequency reports.

WCC SENSE 2013 Mean Report – Entering Students
WCC SENSE 2015 Mean Report – Entering Students
WCC SENSE 2017 Mean Report – Entering Students
WCC SENSE 2019 Mean Report – Entering Students
WCC SENSE 2021 Mean Report – Entering Students

SENSE Frequencies Reports

Frequency reports present the observed frequencies of occurrence (counts and percentages) of the values for each survey item (excluding demographic survey items). These reports are useful for understanding how data are distributed across response categories. Counts and percentages on frequency reports are subjects to rounding.

WCC SENSE 2013 Frequencies Distribution – Entering Students
WCC SENSE 2015 Frequencies Distribution – Entering Students
WCC SENSE 2017 Frequencies Distribution – Entering Students
WCC SENSE 2019 Frequencies Distribution – Entering Students
WCC SENSE 2021 Frequencies Distribution – Entering Students

SENSE Special Focus Module Reports – Academic Advising and Planning Module

WCC SENSE 2013 Frequencies Distribution
WCC SENSE 2015 Frequencies Distribution

SENSE Special Focus Module Report – Engagement through Technology Module

WCC SENSE 2013 Frequencies Distribution
WCC SENSE 2017 Frequencies Distribution
WCC SENSE 2019 Frequencies Distribution
WCC SENSE 2021 Frequencies Distribution

SENSE Special Focus Module Report – Student Success Courses Module

WCC SENSE 2015 Frequencies Distribution
WCC SENSE 2017 Frequencies Distribution
WCC SENSE 2019 Frequencies Distribution
WCC SENSE 2021 Frequencies Distribution