About Title IX - Wayne Community College | Goldsboro, NC

About Title IX

Title IX requires that all educational institutions that receive federal funds or financial assistance must prohibit sex discrimination in their education programs and activities. These provisions apply to all programs and activities, including recruitment, student admissions, financial assistance, housing, access to academic offerings, and athletics.

According to the Office for Civil Rights, “sexual harassment of students, which includes acts of sexual violence, is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX.”

The Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity is responsible for implementing and monitoring Wayne Community College’s Title IX compliance. The Associate Vice President for Academic and Student Services is the College’s designated Title IX Coordinator.

Wayne Community College is obligated to:
  • Provide assurances that all education programs and activities are in compliance with Title IX
  • Designate a Title IX Coordinator to oversee compliance efforts
  • ​Establish procedures to resolve student and employee​ ​Title IX complaints
  • ​Provide notification to students and employees that sex discrimination is prohibited within its programs and activities
  • Ensure that all administrators, managers, deans and department heads familiarize themselves with, and implement, Title IX provisions